
so a glass of warm or cold milk can do the trick. Lactose-free

Many parents struggle to get their children to sleep at night. Tons of sleep medications and drugs promise to be the best solution to this problem, but natural remedies can help children who are coping with insomnia.

First, get to the root of the problem. Why is your child having trouble sleeping? Ongoing nightmares,UGG Bailey Button Triplet on sale, fear of the dark,and other possibilities will show up. To a degree Vista had this feature, loneliness, peer pressure and school stress can really disrupt your child’s sleep. Try addressing these concerns with your child first.

Next, change the bedtime routine. Turn off the TV and computer a few hours before bedtime. Dim the lights, create a relaxing environment and unwind. Wear comfortable pajamas. Read a book or tell a bedtime story. Cuddle together. Keep the environment as calm and stress-free as possible.

Take note of your child’s dietary habits. No matter what anybody tells you, caffeine in the afternoon will definitely keep your child awake at night. Don’t allow your child to drink sodas, coffee and tea 6 hours before bedtime. Ban sugary foods at night. If your child eats a big meal too close to bedtime, she might have a hard time falling asleep. Make sure dinner is at least 2 hours before bedtime so that your child’s body can digest the food properly while awake and rest later.

Finally, try playing soothing music. Some children just won’t go to sleep without being lulled by a favorite lullaby or soft, relaxing music played on low. If the child is young, try rocking him and softly singing.

If the above strategies don’t work after a few days, then try natural sleep aids. Before you implement any herbal remedies into your child’s diet, however, make sure you discuss your plans with the child’s doctor and consult with a certified herbalist to ensure you are administering the herb correctly for your child’s age and weight. This advice is strongly recommended no matter which herbal tea or capsule you provide to your child.

One way of using natural sleep remedies for children is by using aromatherapy. Scented pillows, incense, candles and scented soaps do wonders for helping children to feel more calm and liable to sleep. The scents that work best in soothing anxiety and inducing sleepiness are lavender, sage and chamomile.

Another way to use natural sleep remedies for children is with an herbal tea. The herbal teas of choice are chamomile, passion flower, and valerian. Melatonin has been promoted as a sleep remedy, yet some caution is advised. Melatonin pills have negative side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and irritability. Melatonin in milk is safer to use, so a glass of warm or cold milk can do the trick. Lactose-free, soy, almond and goat milk will also provide the same melatonin benefits. You can also flavor your milk with cinnamon and/or honey.

Use these natural and practical sleep aids if your child is unable to sleep at night. Go with the method that works best for the child and soon your child will be nodding off to dreamland.

