
although China has emerged dozens of billionaires

17 according to the Japanese government announced the second quarter GDP figures, Japan had been China's GDP exceeded, which means that Japan will remain more than 40 years, \In this connection, U.S. media said the Chinese 30 years of rapid economic growth overshadowed and eventually lost to Japan,MBT-MBT shoes 60% Off Reebok shoes are Gr, \

report said China surpassed Japan to be more shows that China has become a global economy is changing the political and military balance in the State. Report also said that China's rise on the one hand allowed to lead the tens of millions out of poverty, it also incurred a lot of criticism, for example,MBT Chapa Shoes, although China has emerged dozens of billionaires, but the rest of the population is still the world's lowest average income level. But the contrast, the Japanese people still belong to the ranks of the world's richest people. Japan's per capita income of 37,800 U.S. dollars last year, while China has only 3600 U.S. dollars. Report said that despite the decline in Japan's GDP ranking, but Japan still enjoying the Swiss-based health, wealth and comfort, Tokyo, \

reported that slip to the third position to the Japanese leaders could \Fujitsu, Tokyo, Japan Center for Economic Research, senior economist Martin ? Schultz (Martin Schulz) said. (Tan Leah)

