
000 U.S. troops in the main tasks include support and training Iraqi forces

Jinyang Wang - Yangcheng Evening News reported on August 3 United States President Barack Obama said in a speech on the 2nd (above), the U.S. military operations in Iraq would according to plan

talk about the war in Afghanistan, Obama said the United States is facing in Afghanistan,

U.S. media reviews, with the congressional mid-term elections near,christian louboutin round toe pumps, Obama tried to get inside to the outside world the achievements of any prominence, the Democratic Party gain more support from voters.

planned withdrawal

Obama attended the same day in Atlanta, Georgia at the American Association of Disabled Veterans and addressed the national conference. He said U.S. military combat troops scheduled to leave within the month.


U.S. deployment in Iraq now 65,000 troops, of which 1.5 million are combat troops. Obama said the United States has handed over hundreds of Iraqi security forces base in the moment He described it would be

Obama said the remaining 50,000 U.S. troops in the main tasks include support and training Iraqi forces, with Iraqi anti-terror mission to protect the United States in Iraq and other military and civil achievements.


However,two tennis courts, according to Obama's statement, with the withdrawal of combat troops, the United States in Iraq, focus will shift to

worrying security situation

Obama said the number of violent incidents in Iraq, 89 police and 50 soldiers. The figure for May 2008 the highest since.

Obama speech that day, the number of Iraq bomb attacks and shootings, killing 12 people. In one attack, a police officer's home suffered bomb attacks, the police officer and his 4-year-old daughter were killed.

end of the war in Iraq is running for president Barack Obama promises under one o'clock. Bilbo Burton said White House spokesman, plans to begin withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq by, to suggest that Obama,

but the Associated Press that the Congress in November mid-term elections will be held at the White House want to highlight achievements made by this administration, the Democratic Party to win votes. 2 Obama's speech this month in a series of similar activities. In addition to Obama, Joseph Biden, Vice President and other senior government officials have also started running,

Obama also touched on the same day U.S. military operations in Afghanistan. He said that although U.S. troops in Afghanistan is frustrated, but the United States has made significant progress in Afghanistan.

now the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization to deploy 150,000 troops in Afghanistan, but the local Taliban are still active. Obama last December ordered an additional 30,000 U.S. soldiers, while the U.S. military commitment in Afghanistan began to leave next July.

(This article Source: Jinyang Wang - Yangcheng Evening News)

