
a suicide bomber detonated near a local restaurant with an explosion objects car

Xinhua Baghdad, Iraq on July 20 in Diyala province, northeast of 20, occurred two consecutive suicide car bomber has killed at least 10 people were killed and 33 injured.

Diyala province, according to police sources, the first attack occurred in Diyala provincial capital Baquba, from about 120 km of a town. That afternoon, a suicide bomber detonated a local Shiite residential area of the car filled with explosives, blast three people were killed and 25 injured. The dead included a child as young as 1 year and a half.

Another attack occurred in the afternoon, an unnamed local police source told Xinhua said: "The attack took place 35 km northeast of Baghdad,This year in March, a suicide bomber detonated near a local restaurant with an explosion objects car, on the spot causing five Iranian pilgrims and two of Iraqis killed and eight others were injured. "he said, the attackers target a group of passing through the Iran-Iraq border in Diyala province, went to Baghdad and other the Iranian city of pilgrims.

Diyala province has been a "base" organizations in the country's main areas of activity. U.S. military and Iraqi security forces have been several security operations in the province, but local violent attacks still occur.

(This article Source: Xinhua)

