
current list of emergency has been deleted

international online on August 4 report According to Czech News Agency and the German A list of thousands of military spies published on the Internet, while a considerable number of people still engaged in espionage work. Currently, disclosure of the responsibility of the incident have been dismissed.

Czech News Agency reported that the list was first spread to the Institute's online database, in March of this year, the database open to the public, resulting in the exposure list. The most striking is the list of 380 people in 1989 after the disintegration of former Soviet Union has been engaged in espionage.

current list of emergency has been deleted, the Czech Defense Ministry spokesman said the incident would not affect the result of intelligence work, while he denied that the list contained in the recent espionage officers. The speaker believed that the disclosure of this list will only work now engaged in diplomatic or economic man But the Czech newspaper

former military intelligence officer of the Czech Republic Jiri Ruzek also believe that serious things, he said: :

learned that the Institute is responsible for the totalitarian system file security staff have been dismissed. But some experts believe that the military intelligence department should bear the main responsibility, they should not be leaking this important information free, because the Institute's work is dealing with the received information,learned that from August 6 onwards, no duty of confidentiality.

(This article Source: International Online on: Ge Wen-yuan)

