
and with very similar computer equipment from the Indian Institute of Technology R &

23 According to foreign reports, India's intention to create the world's most expensive touch-screen "notebook computer", will be 35 U.S. dollars (about 237 yuan) and the sale price.

According to reports,the authorities have dispatched three More than 100 troops to patrol Vian., the Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development Minister Sibal for this week for students to design and low cost computer equipment to kick off (pictured), said that the Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development will find a number of global manufacturers, began to discuss large-scale manufacture of this product.

Sibal, said that touch screen, and with very similar computer equipment from the Indian Institute of Technology R & D, from the bottom, chips and processors, equipment composition, total cost not more than 35 U.S. dollars.

This "computer" to install a web browser, PDF file browser and video conferencing equipment,MBT Ema Sandals, but also need to add other software, the user equipment.

Sibal said he expects this "computer" from the 2011 institutions of higher education in India started.

He further pointed out that with technology research and development has matured, researchers also plan to further reduce the cost, try this "computer" or even the final price down to 20 dollars to 10 dollars (about 67 yuan). According to China


