
or lying in bed can do

At 10:56 on the April 9 Times
life, Professor Yang Li of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

teeth and ears and is closely related to human life, who will appear behind the ears after they age, dental loose or fall off, so there's teeth and ears need careful nurturing. The movement through the teeth and ears, not only aging, but also physical health, disease prevention, is the Chinese recognized health longevity.

early morning call-in days, minutes, strong teeth, good body. The so-called \Folk Proverbs \Repeatedly up and down between the teeth every morning bite knock 60-360 times, not only strong teeth, other organs of the body is also good exercise.

Chinese medicine, kidney health of bone marrow, kidney actually teeth and hair grow longer. Often knock teeth, make the meridian flow, Qiangshen Gujing. Adhere to a daily call-in face gear can also promote blood circulation, increase blood supply to the brain, so to reduce wrinkles, played the role of aging. Wong Tin Drum

bedtime, good sleep good ear good kidney. \The approach is hands heart their ears, and then use both hands index finger, middle finger and ring finger were gently tap behind the occipital, sounds like the drums, so the ancients called \Repeat bedtime every day for 64 or 32 times each morning and evening, you can prevent and treat vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, inner ear disease. Wong Tin Drum

bedtime and helps to improve sleep. Kidney patients Changbiaoxianwei spiritual malaise, sleep well, every day before bedtime Ming drum not only rest for sedative, but also to promote sleep, insomnia, particularly in elderly kidney is more effective.

\Just use the morning or before bed for some time, whether you are in his way to work, or lying in bed can do, every day down, not only can play the role of physical health, but also aging.

