
you thought it was what I call cowardly immature

Continue to be a bitch to bitch so angry to be angry

to the knife in the front line
to lie behind the
30-year-old standing before the strict moderation
Let the dead continue to allow birth to death
continued to drift along carelessly
allow misunderstandings to misunderstanding
30-year-old former non-modified
you become a killer < br> you to become a Christian you become a judge

me to be a misunderstanding
30-year-old shot and killed before the force of moral

Do not tell me Do not talk to me talk about talent
Do not tell me about your father
I just want to make some money before the age of 30 buying a used Jeep travel
30-year-old hit the south wall before the accused face a
white-collar face to face assault
face a silly satire of a prostitute
face of nausea and vomiting I
30 years old before we are born very poor in public

So We are born very terrible
you thought it was what I call cowardly immature
I thought you said you did not so sad mature
defective? if you're talking about survival or defame
This is a problem
farewell shot angry or rules that is the question

thirst for freedom or wade into the muddy water that is the question

respondents? shut up
refused to perfect the skills
nausea and loss of pride
tore down the banner high arch

shatter the reality of those who held hammer? any regular
since it was born out of tune

both heaven when he died,and will be in March as the promotion month., would not join the it so absurd to walk
no drivers ready to find out at the stop sign
? fate
misunderstood misunderstanding

must do to stop it since it is

is this life
It is this life must be

30 years ago would hold on the fate of the answer? do not let the truth come peep

I lie in the cliff side where < br> Let me bullets come
coffee shop in the red sidelines come

to free 303 of torture in hell I stand
so ridiculous I come
information in a busy city Official
30 years ago? real life? FBI
do not do a thorough analysis or other sum or other lessons
Do not ridicule or other loud

other questions or do not hear it all the real answer
30-year-old former regard? Why
say it scared to death you scared to death you say it

Ren often? 30? ago after
to adhere to their own destiny
; ; and unfortunately died by

article is reproduced in the dark twisted soul の
of literature: the soul of distorted の

